AngularJS ng-repeat dynamic bootstrap rows and columns Demo

Checkout original tutorial - PHP Login AngularJS ng-repeat Directive to add dynamic rows and columns in bootstrap

2 Columns Demo

{{ items[$index].name }}

{{ items[$index].description }}

{{ items[$index + 1].name }}

{{ items[$index + 1].description }}

3 Columns Demo

{{ items[$index].name }}

{{ items[$index].description }}

{{ items[$index + 1].name }}

{{ items[$index + 1].description }}

{{ items[$index + 2].name }}

{{ items[$index + 2].description }}

4 Columns Demo

{{ items[$index].name }}

{{ items[$index].description }}

{{ items[$index + 1].name }}

{{ items[$index + 1].description }}

{{ items[$index + 2].name }}

{{ items[$index + 2].description }}

{{ items[$index + 3].name }}

{{ items[$index + 3].description }}

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